Ghost Cat Anzu

In Japanese Language with English Subtitles Karin, 11 years old, finds herself abandoned by her father in a small Japanese town, where her grandfather, a monk, resides. Her grandfather asks Anzu, his jovial and helpful, although rather capricious, ghost cat, to look after her. As their spirited personalities collide, sparks fly-yet perhaps only in the beginning.Ghost Cat Anzu showing at: December 14, 11:00 am
Ghost Cat Anzu

Location: Dendy Newtown261-263 King Street, Newtown, NSW, 204210

Mirai Moriyama
Munetaka Aoki
Keiichi Suzuki
Noa Gotô
Miwako Ichikawa
Nobuhiro Yamashita
Yôko Kuno
Keiichi Kondo
Hiroyuki Negishi
Pierre Baussaron
Emmanuel-Alain Raynal
Ghost Cat Anzu"
Dendy Newtown