The Polar Express

Climb aboard for Robert Zemeckis’ extraordinary animated journey centred on a young boy’s voyage on a magical steam train to meet Santa Claus in the North Pole. Stunningly created using motion capture computer animation and starring Tom Hanks in a variety of roles, experience the wonder of Christmas through the eyes of a child who discovers the true spirit of the season along his enchanting expedition.The Polar Express showing at: December 22, 12:15 pm
The Polar Express

Location: Dendy Newtown261-263 King Street, Newtown, NSW, 204210

Tom Hanks
Nona Gaye
Eddie Deezen
Leslie Zemeckis
Peter Scolari
Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis
Gary Goetzman
William Teitler
Steve Starkey
The Polar Express"
Dendy Newtown